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Salt Oasis


About Us

Salt Oasis is a Holistic Salt Breathing Wellness Center established to create a sanctuary for you beyond comparison. Inspired by the ancient Salt Caves of Poland, whose chambers have been used to improve people’s health throughout the centuries. We have combined this holistic tradition with innovative technology to help you have a one-of-a-kind Salt Therapy experience. Our Salt Cave and Salt Rooms have been specifically designed and built to create the ideal micro-climate of temperature, humidity, and minerals to produce the most therapeutic effect. In a world where stress and life’s demands overburden everyone, it is essential to have a place to escape. Our Salt Cave and Salt Rooms offer you that escape.

Why Us

An Oasis...

Where you can free your mind, cleanse your body, and return to a place of Serenity and well-being in an environment that is peaceful, valuable, and nourishing.

Our Salt Caves Are...

You can escape your worries, restore and refresh your mind and body, and absorb nature’s healing properties.

All Natural...

Our Salt Cave and Salt Rooms have been built from salt rocks that have been mined and imported from exotic places such as Wieliczka, Klodawa, Poland, and the Himalayan Mountains.

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Get In Touch

Your Leisure is Our Business...

844-204-SALT (7258)
or (909) 291-7258

11940 Foothill Blvd. Suite 111
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739

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